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Djordjevic:What does an AI-powered organization stand for you and what experience do you and your company have with the topic of AI?

徐甲: Nice to meet you dear host of respect. As you may know, our company, Enjoyor is not an AI startup company, it has over 2 decades’ experience in the ITS construction, software engineering and system integration. During the past 2 decades, many projects of high quality have been settled down and lots of customers have been cultivated to pursue finer services. That means the service has to be more scientific to be able to tackle down their sophisticated realistic problems in a global view and also can be tailored to suit for their unique business processes. Under such background, our company has proposed and started up the AI strategy to meet the costumers’ needs. So our company is exactly the type of companies who is experiencing the AI transformation.As for the experience with AI topic, the most crucial thing we’ve realized is that we should always put the industrial practicality of AI techniques in the first place, which is to know the capability as well as the capability boundary of AI techniques in order to use them properly. Secondly, we should provide affordable AI techniques for the customers, in view of the necessary data and computational power.

Djordjevic:Dear Jia, You come from a country which has 42 cities with more than 2 million people living there. I can’t even imagine how something that we see as an easy fix and normal thing can become so exponentially complicated - just because of the numbers itself. That is why I cannot think better interlocutor for the topic of traffic, transportation and travel services than you.May I ask you to give us an overview of what are the major challenges you are facing and how does AI may solve problems in the transportation sector? Can you also tell us more about some concrete project your company is working on?

徐甲:Indeed, the city I live, Hangzhou has a population of 10 million, and more than 3 million of registered vehicles. The volume of vehicles in transit during daily peak is about 300,000 in average.The complexity of the problem comes from many ways. The scale of the problem is our first challenge. Hangzhou is a provincial capital city, which has a large amount of domestic or international activities and events. Meanwhile Hangzhou is a world-famous tourist city, the West Lake attracts huge amount visitors, the complex scenario caused by these factors is our second challenge. The traffic network we are facing to is consists of about 2000 signalized intersections, a considerable part of them are suffering from large traffic flow, imbalanced demand, and high dynamic in the same time, which is our third challenge. Last but not least, we are facing some engineering challenge, such as multiple source date collection and processing, modelling and managing the traffic channelization.As for the cases that we are using AI to tackled down real problem, I’d like to share with you an example. We use AI technologies in the traffic signal control to eliminate traffic congestion in Hangzhou and Nanchang. This sophisticated process generally includes 5 sections, that is perception, early warning, optimization, implementation, and security check.In the perception section, we use AI techniques to estimate the reliability of the raw data. Then to repair and provide the most reliable and direct date to the following sections. In the early warning section, the crucial thing is to estimate the trend but not the status of the traffic, therefore the predictive AI method. In the optimization section, we use to methods. One is to mimic the traditional manual operation in data analyzing and regulation induction and preparation of schedules, in order to address the general and recurrent problems. The second method is to mimic the traditional manual operation in investigating the traffic status, and adjust the plan to implement temporary control strategies.In the implementation section, we use an unified model in adapting our AI optimization methods to all existing controlling systems in the two cities. And finally in the security check section, we check the generated paraments again if they meet all experience constraints and span of control.The final effect is that we dramatically improved the productivity of operators, and improved traffic signal control performance of the two cities.

Djordjevic:What is your standpoint how does AI can benefit the public and the communities? Now and in lets say 2025, as we mentioned previously?

徐甲:1.The Big Data and AI technologies will assist the planning and construction of the infrastructures in a better way. Intelligentized infrastructure will emerge in a larger number, which would play the role as hub among the vehicles and information terminals of passengers.2.AI-powered platforms will connect all the devices, infrastructures, processing all the data, and to optimize the utilization of the infrastructures. Passengers will have better experience during travelling, feel more convenience.3.Cooperative vehicle and infrastructures will spread in some area. Autonomous vehicle driving technology will be wider applied. Autonomous vehicle driving and shared mobility will combine, in the scene of auto charging and auto scheduling.4. The AI-powered mobility service will be more personal, providing more precise travel guidance, travel reservation, with connecting the shared mobility with intelligent infrastructures.

Djordjevic:Before we go to the questions from the public, I would like to ask you to give one present to our public - in the form of advice. What would be the first step if the company would like to start their AI-powered transformation today? And the second one is why to go into this process today and not tomorrow or in the near future?

徐甲:The first thing is to in-depth understand your business model, data basis and the capability of AI technology, also the capability boundaries as mentioned before.The second one is simple, that is because the productivity. If properly used AI techniques can bring significant productivity in comparison to the traditional methods, as a company, why not immediately?







徐甲:1、 大数据和AI辅助技术会让基础设施的规划设计更加合理,智能化的基础设施将大量涌现,对接那时的交通工具和信息终端;

2、 AI驱动的精细化管控与优化会让基础设施的利用率进一步提高;

3、 车路协同技术将在一些地区推广,自动驾驶技术将得到更多应用;

4、 AI驱动的出行服务将提供更加个性化、更精准的出行指引、出行预约等服务,串联起共享出行工具和智能基础设施;




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